So, the other night at the local pub, I was sitting there enjoying the many games being broadcast when I overhear this fella spouting about how he knows the scout that "found" Jacoby Ellsbury.
"Yea, found him and signed him! What a find that was! Find one like that and you are set."
Funny thing is, I know the guy too - John Booher. I worked with John for alot of years. No offense to Boo.. but.. he didn't "find" Jacoby Ellsbury. The kid was on a team that set the stage for back to back National Championships. He was a Pac-10 All Star standout from Freshman year on. My point is.. Jacoby Ellsbury was not "hiding" in the vast talent pools of American Amateur baseball. How do you qualify that as "finding" a player?
Since I am ranting on "Scouts".. how about all of the "findings" in Latin America. Here we have some incredible young talent that is often signed at 16 years of age (legal or not) and then brought up through the pro instructional leagues with the best competition, coaching, equipment, etc. The youngster shows he has a little speed, some arm strength, a desire for the game and some scout "finds" him, signs him and wow... what a find that was!
Uh, just checking in here.. but, don't you think the same thing could be done in rural America? You know.. some Iowa corn field. Some place where the "Jacoby Ellsbury's" of the world are not slapped right in the face of the "scout"?
Let me take you back a couple of years to a fella named Bill Russell. Yea, the standout Dodger short stop. Russell never even played High School baseball. Oh, he would have played High School baseball... it just so happens his school was so small they couldn't field a team!!! Yet.. a real, live .. bonafide "scout" saw the athleticism of this guy.. saw the desire and competitive fire in him... and drafted him to the Dodgers out of High School! A couple of years later he is in the big leagues as an outfielder because the great Maury Wills plays shortstop. Wills leaves, Russell steps in.. for 12 years!
Sorry guys... I love ya Boo... but "THAT" is scouting. Not picking from the most celebrated.. high profile kids. There are tons and tons of young men capable of playing the game at the highest level all over America. Who will "Find" them?
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